On 2016-10-31 10:29, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> have been pulled 
> in that are either no longer available or aren't going to work with 
> FPC/Lazarus.

In the case of XanaNews, the two primary components is use are Indy and
VirtualTreeview. Both are supported by FPC. I don't see the point of
using VirtualTreeview though, so if I do go ahead with the port, I'll
probably remove that dependency. There are other minor components in
use, but they are custom written and included with XanaNews source code
- easy to port of simply replaced with standard components. The other
obstacle is multiple Win32 API calls and RichEdit.dll usage. I can't
remember exactly for what usage the Win32 API call was used, but it
shouldn't be hard to de-tangle - maybe just time consuming. The
RichEdit.dll usage is easy to remove too.

There as already been some discussion regarding what is needed to port
XanaNews. You are welcome to read about them on my news server, where I
host the official XanaNews support newsgroup too.

  server:    geldenhuys.co.uk
  port:      119
  newsgroup: xananews.talk

> Frankly, I've always found the standard Mozilla family of clients adequate.

I would normally agree, and indeed it is the longest standing clients I
have been using for many years. Thunderbird does come with its bugs
though, and I unfortunately often stumble over the same ones for the
last 8 years. eg: unable to save an attachment (randomly occurs), or
moving a message from one account to another account, I loose any

Saying that, XanaNews has some excellent newsgroup features, very fast,
and light on memory.


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