On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:38 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > What I do like is the idea of storing strings in a
> > widestring/ansistring. I tried to implement that earlier, but it's
> not
> > doable in a Delphi-compatible way. As you said, you don't have that
> > problem. But it's still something on my whish-list for
> > sqldb/TDataset/TBufDataset. There must be a solution, without using
> the
> > blob-system...
> I do not think this is a good idea: the amount of memory used for this
> is 
> a multiple of the classic buffer scheme, the heap will be terribly
> fragmented.
> The buffer system is exactly meant to save memory (blobs excepted).

Do you think? Using the buffer, there's a lot of memory which isn't
used. I thought about adding a new kind of fieldtype, for example
ftAnsiString which you could use for larger strings.
But maybe you can use a ftMemo in that case....

> > What do you mean with the local change log and data file?
> Like TClientDataset: the changes to the records (the delta) are kept
> in a 
> separate index. All can be written to file. It's a briefcase model.

I thought so. TBufDataset also has that, it can't save it to file,
though. But that's easy to implement.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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