Vincent Snijders wrote:

Because I always thought these function were not for users, but for systems, for example to store a boolean in a xml file or to create an

Your example is a good one and I agree there, but I do think it's for users to. 
For example, the whole reason I noticed the translation issue, was in my 
TStringGrid mediator. I displayed records (actually objects) that have a 
IsActive boolean property. The display mediator I use translates booleans to 
strings, displays TDateTime in the user specific format, displays TDateTime = 0 
(ridiculous 1899-12-30 date) into something more user understandable, displays 
currencies as the users specified etc... Anyway, all worked except for the 
English True/False strings (from TTaxRate.IsActive property) return by 
BoolToStr() which should have been in Afrikaans. Or at least I expected it to 
be in Afrikaans or whatever other locale was active.

- Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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