Henry Vermaak wrote:

I think even for config/system files they are useless, since it's a
lot more friendly to support yes/no, true/false and on/off, not just

Maybe that was the idea behind the TrueBoolStrs array. Element 0 is true/false, 
element 1 maybe yes/no, element 3 maybe on/off....?  Either way, I did not find 
any documentation why there is an array used or what should actually be in it. 
The implementation of BoolToStr and StrToBool does give any clues either, 
because they always use element 0 or a hardcoded string value in English.

So I take it you agree with Vincent, that I should basically never user 
BoolToStr or StrToBool for user displayed values and rather duplicate the code 
in my own application which supports translated values?  And then use the 
SysUtils version for config files or database stored value?
Again, nothing like this is hinted at in the documentation. I'll double check 
on Monday what the Kylix 3 help says regarding BoolToStr and StrToBool and 
localization and when it should actually be used.

- Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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