max wrote:
With the advent of Debian6 fpc 2.4.0-2 has become the only available version.
Before that, it may have been 1.0 ?
A simple program of mine compiled in 2008 with the old fpc , when started
with xterm -e program still runs fine today.

What are you trying to say: that before 2.4 you were using 1.0?

Now. the new compiler warns about SHELL function being deprecated and
link.res containing output sections but finishes.

Not sure about the first, I believe the second is the usual behaviour and can be ignored.

Though the produced binary runs as expexted when run in an xterm, using the
method of xterm -e program does not [ this is the method of starting the
program through the X11 twm-menu, which should come up with a new
xterm-window] :  I only see a short flicker of an xterm-window then
disapearing; there's no error message.
Would anyone have an idea what's wrong?

[Slightly later] I think I can see similar behaviour if running on a local system, running over ssh (which is what I first tried) changes things.

Try running xterm from a (local) shell, and look at the output. If it's

No absolute path found for shell: XXXXXXXXXXXXX

then invoke the program with an absolute path (i.e. not relying on the PATH shell variable), or if you're in the current directory make sure you put ./ in front of it. I don't know why this should depend on the version of FPC used.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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