Michael Müller wrote:

I'm not sure if somebody else mentioned this already but I have the feeling 
that Giuliano thinks that he has to decide to use try-finally OR try-except but 
there are situations where you need both. One of the criteria is if the object 
is local or global since for a global object it is likely that you place the 
.Free (or for a global object better FreeAndNil()) into a destructor or 
finalization section (which means that you have to stop the program in case of 
an error and not continue showing just a dialog) so you'll need only the 
try-except if you want to catch the exception. In case of a local object you'll 
ALWAYS have the lines

Obj := Class.Create;
    // do some code
  writeln('We have a problem);
  halt the program or reraise the exception or raise a new one

I tried to make that point but I'm not sure the message reached its mark.

It's possibly unfortunate that Borland chose to use "try" for both constructs, rather than having distinct try-except-end and start-finally-end forms.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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