On Wed, 7 Oct 2015, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Jonas Maebe wrote:
Bo Berglund wrote on Wed, 07 Oct 2015:

I think that it really does because there must be some interface
between the FPC system and the underlying operating system managing
the hardware.

On Linux/Unix, every interface to hardware gets exposed as a file (generally under /dev). Sometimes you have libraries that provide a higher level interface, but in the end it will always access that file. If you need root permissions to perform actions on this file with language X, you will also need them with language Y and also if you use library Z to access it. The file operations are basic POSIX operations (open, read, write, ioctl, close), which are available with an "fp" prefix via the baseunix and unix units, and which are the same in C or other languages.

If you have a library that you want to use, then you can of course ask here whether anyone has translated the headers for it (which will probably be in C) to Pascal or so.

I've just been taking a look and I don't immediately see a kernel module that provides an interface to GPIO via /dev. I think there's things for I2C etc.

GPIO is managed via a mmap-ped file, which means the usual access mechanisms 

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