Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
On Sun, 8 Nov 2015, Bo Berglund wrote:

I have a trunk source tree for FPC, which I checked out a few weeks
ago and built fpc 3.1.1 using fpc 2.6.4 then installed it etc.
Now I wanted to get to the latest revision and did an svn update in
the source dir. But when I then issue 'make all' I get this message:

Makefile:2873: *** The only supported starting compiler version is
2.6.4. You are trying to build with 3.1.1..  Stop.

How am I supposed to update fpc 3.1.1?

You must always start with a released (currently 2.6.4) compiler. That is normal.

To do this, you can e.g. make a symlink to the 2.6.4 compiler (name it ppcarm-2.6.4) and use that when calling make:

make all PP=ppcarm-2.6.4

or, if you want to avoid the symlink, you can directly refer to the 2.6.4 compiler:

make all PP=/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.6.4/ppcarm

(change the path to suit your setup, obviously)

I have always done the former.

Except that that won't work on the RPi, where you need to start off with a specially-built compiler.

Bo, look for the error message in Makefile and you'll also see reference to OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK which allows you to build from your current compiler, i.e. something like


I'd not normally recommend this, but I think in the current case it's necessary and safe. TO EMPHASISE: UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES USE THE LAST-RELEASED COMPILER.

In haste,

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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