On So, 2016-03-20 at 05:11 -0700, fredvs wrote:
> >> ap1 := dlopen(Pchar(lib), 0);
> > Here you are using 0 for three mode argument. One difference I can see
> > ist that uysing dynlibs.pas the mode is RTLD_LAZY like it should be, but
> > that constant is defined as 1. 
> Huh, indeed, 0 is working in Linux but not in FreeBSD --> changed to 1 and
> all ok in FreeBSD.

So that's not the cause.

> > Or simply dlerror() like in the other program, should work. 
> OK. here code + result of GetProcedureAddress(), maybe it could help for
> future fixes in fpc:
> GetProcedureAddress(hn, pchar('mp4ff_open_read');
> writeln(dlerror());
> ---> Result:
> "Invalid shared object handle 0x2fb2800"

Doesn't tell much, I fear. I'll have to do same testing myself to find out.

> Many, many thanks to Marc, Marco, Ewald and Sven.

You're welcome, thanks for reporting and testing.

Marc Santhoff <m.santh...@web.de>

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