On So, 2016-03-20 at 15:10 +0100, Marc Santhoff wrote:
> On So, 2016-03-20 at 14:27 +0100, Ewald wrote:
> > Could this be related to pointer trucation? The man page of dlopen tells
> > us that the return value is a pointer (hence the return value of
> > LoadLibrary has the same width). In your example you used an integer. Is
> > sizeof(Integer) = sizeof(Pointer) of your system?
> > 
> > If for example, you are missing the upper four bytes of the pointer, the
> > above message makes sense.
> Good point:
> marc@puma:/home/marc/program/Test_fpc/LoadLibrary > uname -mrs
> FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE amd64
> marc@puma:/home/marc/program/Test_fpc/LoadLibrary > ./pointersize
> pointersize:     8
> size of integer: 2
> marc@puma:/home/marc/program/Test_fpc/LoadLibrary > cat pointersize.pas 
> program pointersize;
> uses
>   sysutils;
> begin
>   writeln('pointersize:     ' + inttostr(sizeof(pointer)));
>   writeln('size of integer: ' + inttostr(sizeof(integer)));
> end.

Doing it right it seems to work, I've tried three libs with one of them
definitely not part of the OS but from a port:

program loadlibrary;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
  sysutils, dynlibs;
  //libname: string = '/usr/lib/libalias.so';
  //fncname: string = 'AddLink';
  //libname: string = '/usr/lib/libipsec.so';
  //fncname: string = 'ipsec_dump_policy';
  libname: string = '/usr/local/lib/vlc/plugins/codec/libx264_plugin.so';
  fncname: string = 'vlc_entry__1_1_0g';

  libhandle: TLibHandle;
  pfnc: pointer;
  libhandle := dynlibs.LoadLibrary(pchar(libname));

  if (libhandle = 0) then begin
    writeln('loading error: ' + GetLoadErrorStr);
  end else
    writeln('library ' + libname + ' loaded.');

  pfnc := GetProcedureAddress(libhandle, pchar(fncname));
  if (pfnc = NIL) then
    writeln('got proc address error: ' + GetLoadErrorStr)
  else begin
    writeln('function ' + fncname + ' loaded.');



I did not call any of those functions, but their nakmes are found and
loaded by dlsym. For all three libraries the program worked fine.

For Fred:
You can check the names inside a dynamic liobrary using system tools:

nm -D /usr/lib/libipsec.so
nm -D /usr/local/lib/vlc/plugins/codec/libx264_plugin.so

The letters after the address tell the type of symbol, see

$ man nm

for an in detail explanation. Mostly those having a T are really inside
the library, U means unresolved and so linked fgrom another lib.

Marc Santhoff <m.santh...@web.de>

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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