2016-05-09 22:11 GMT+02:00 Florian Klämpfl <flor...@freepascal.org>:

> Who said that? We discussed the syntax etc. and at least I see good
> changes to integrate it in trunk
> as soon as it is ready. Neither Sven nor me would discuss a feature if we
> are in doubt that it will
> make it in trunk.

I have feeling that Sven has negative attitude to my work (like in thread
"Initialize/Finalize management operators and Default intrinsic"). I have
also bad experience with Generics.Collections (submitted 2014-12-23)...
which should be part of RTL for a long time... For outsider like me, is
almost impossible to contribute changes to trunk. I think it will take few
years before someone checks branch. Sven is the only person in core team
who is working on new things, additionally he has a lot of things in TODO
list so IMO merge will never happen, the queue is long: packages branch,
attributes branch, rtti for interfaces branch, anonymous methods branch...

> It is more a matter of doing it properly. It is more an opposition against
> quickly hacked together
> stuff without proper testing etc. I am pretty sure that we get ARC soon or
> later in trunk, if
> somebody shows enough dedication :)
> After all, FPC tries to support as much as possible pascal dialects in OSS
> compiler. But this does
> not mean, we are supporting everybody's pet dialect ;)

Oxygene in FPC core team opinion is not Pascal language. So my work for
Oxygene compatibility is "outlawed" by definition. "Smart pointer" related
syntax is step into Oxygene mode so dedication might be not enough :P.

Seems like my own little FPC fork + small website to host binaries,
according to current situation is rational step, especially I need to merge
few other branches together... I can't wait whole life.

Best regards,
Maciej Izak
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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