
Hey I'm all for your improvements. Good work, keep it up, and I actually
appreciate it. If you want, I can write up an overview of your improvements
at and provide precompiled versions for testings/use on all
platforms (win, mac, linux, raspbian)..

I asked Sven the other day about type helpers on generic array types and
there was no hint in his response that it was on anyone's radar. I think
you mentioned you have type helpers working on arrays then that's great.
Specifically I was asking about:

  TArray<T> = array of T;

  TArrayHelper<T> = record helper for TArray<T>
    // Extensions here like Add(), Remove(), Sort() and so on

Which probably isn't something you or anyone else has implemented yet
because of the generic factor. Actually support for type helpers for any
generic types (classes, records, interfaces, arrays) would be great,
especially when combined with the work you've done on record initialization
and finalization.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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