Il 09/04/2017 10:06, Bo Berglund ha scritto:

I am looking for some good example of FFT functions in pascal but it
seems like what Google serves up is rather old and refers to
Turbo-pascal and the like...
So maybe someone here knows about some open-source example of FFT
using FreePascal (or Delphi)?

I want to analyze the frequency content of transient responses
measured using a 24 bit A/D converter. It will produce 8192 samples
for each measurement.

Any suggestions welcome!

PS: I have saved this list from Sept 2003 and I searched it for the
word FFT without success, except the hits on the word offtopic.. DS

For mechanical vibration analysis (with a similar number of samples but only 16 bit resolution) I have used the FFT library of Nils Haeck which you may find here: For my needs it was appropriate. You may give a look. It comes with Mozilla Licence.



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