
Are you loading the OpenGL API functions using SDL_GL_GetProcAddress? You
really should be doing that or you're asking for problems.

Anyways, if you want maximum capability you should probably use ES version
2, as it's supported on the most devices. It requires you to drop the fixed
function pipeline, that is dropping glBegin/glEnd and using GLSL vertex and
fragment shaders. It's mostly like OpenGL 2.0, with a few differences, like
there is no glMatrixMode.

And if you're not using GLSL shaders, then you don't need anything greater
than Open 1.5. You can see the list of changes at the link below. With the
exception of frame buffer objects (better known as render to texture) in
version 3.0 and up, there's likely very little you're going to need in the
3.0+ realm of APIs you're ever going to need.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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