
On Thu, 15 Jun 2017, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> > mikroPascal (not free) supports AVR and many other chips.
> > https://shop.mikroe.com/compilers/mikropascal/avr-electronic-license
> > Brian
> Yes, but I was asking about the FPC situation. I'm desperately resisting
> local pressure to write code that might end up non-trivial in C/C++.

Well, FPC is an open source project, which means without community
feedback and contribution, it won't improve, or would, but much slower. :)

So if you have time, how about you try if it works for your
usecase/platform/etc, and at least give feedback on it? Even if it didn't
work, if you run into issues you're unable to solve, and share them, it
might be helpful for the developers. And I'm sure some of the issues you'd
encounter could be fixed overnight, if the devs would know it's a blocker
for someone's actual usecase.

Especially with a project as young and specialized as FPC's AVR backend.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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