On Sun, 15 Oct 2023, at 15:53, Warner Losh wrote:

> The one with the uboot traceback? I can't help you there. The report is 
> confusing. I don't know the error / problem being reported to even know 
> what to look at.  Or is it a different thing? I'm so confused at this 
> point. I also think we need to recreate it on as a!clean system as 
> possible. Weird problems in the boot chain prior to loader.efi, I have 
> little interest in and no time to look at...

The problem being reported on the 30th Sept is a panic on booting zroot
because the disk couldn't be found by the loader, presumably because 
usb3 needed time to settle, because making it wait a while resulted in
a bootable system. But all the waiting does is workaround. I don't
know how to fix it permanently. The problem gets to (i guess it's called stage1
boot) where i can select what kernel to boot. At that point, i thought u-boot
had completed.

The reason I'm mentioning this in this thread is because the OP is reporting
an issue looking on the face of it very similar to the one I saw, and i thought
mentioning this here might be helpful.

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