Matthew Jacob wrote:
>>>That's damned odd. Can you get into the configuration menu and make sure
>>>it has 'large BIOS' or whatever the LSI term is enabled?
>>The Dell BIOS, or the LSI config menu? I don't think either has a 
> LSI Config - ^C.

OK, I'm in the LSI config screen, and here's what I have in the first 

LSI Logic MPT SCSI Setup Utility        Version MPTBIOS-5.02.00
<Boot Adapter List>     <Global Properties>

LSI Logic Host Bus Adapters
Adapter PCI     Dev/    Port    IRQ     NVM     Boot    LSI Logic
        Bus     Func    Number                  Order   Control
<LSI1030  3     60>     DC00    11      Yes     1       Disabled
<LSI1030  3     61>     D800    11      Yes     0       Enabled 

I disabled one of them, since the drives hang off the other one and this 
shaves a few seconds off reboot times.

Under <Boot Adapter List>, the only things I can change are the boot 
order and the status (enabled/disabled) of the two adaptors.

Under <Global Properties>, I have:

        Pause When Boot Alert Displayed [No]
        Boot Information Display Mode   [Verbose]
        Negotiate with devies           [Supported]
        Video Mode                      [Color]
        Support Interrupt               [Hook interrupt, the Default]

Under the enabled device <LSI1030  3  61>, I have:

Adapter Properties

Adapter PCI     Dev/
        Bus     Func
LSI1030 3       61

        <Device Properties>
        Host SCSI ID                    [ 7]
        SCSI Bus Scan Order             [Low to High (0..Max)]
        Removable Media Support         [None]
        CHS Mapping                     [SCSI Plug and Play Mapping]
        Spinup Delay (Secs)             [ 2]
        Secondary Cluster Server        [No]
        Termination Control             [Auto]

Under <Device Properties>, it shows some details about the connected 
drives and let me force them to a lower speed, etc.

The only thing that comes close to "large BIOS" would be the "CHS 
Mapping", but either setting ("SCSI Plug and Play Mapping" or "Alternate 
CHS Mapping") doesn't boot.

Or am I looking at the wrong thing?

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           USC Information Sciences Institute

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