On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Erik Trulsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:31:24AM -0400, Jerry B. Altzman wrote:
>> And all this just to *pass packets*; if you're making real *routing*
>> decisions based upon that (i.e. you're making a router rather than a
>> switch), which requires that packets take a trip to the CPU, you'll
>> find yourself coming to the realization that Cisco and Juniper might
>> actually be on to something, there, and that ASICs might actually be
>> worth what you paid for them.
> Yep, and if you do buy a whole bunch of quad-port NICs for your PC, then
> the whole system will probably end up costing quite a bit.  It might even
> turn out to be cheaper to get a "real" router instead.

I don't know about that: Intel quad gigE cards are $250/pop on eBay;
Sun qfe cards are a tenth of that price.
Have you priced Vendor C or Vendor J routers recently? If you're
building a *switch*, you are still price competitive with the bigger

Oh yeah, this is all ONLY for passing ethernet; if you've got other
layer-1 technologies to integrate, you're in for a surprise, too.

> Erik Trulsson

jerry b. altzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.jbaltz.com
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