Quoting Derek Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

on Monday 02 June 2008Monday 02 June 2008 Tobias Hoellrich "Tobias Hoellrich"

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Derek Graham
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 2:59 PM
> To: Gerard
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: gnash leave a blank page when visit youtube
> I heard a rumor Microsoft was planning to create a linux version of
> silverlight, I also heard a rumor that silverlight could
> overcome flash
> alltogether. Yeah I have heard the same, I listen to MacBreek
> Weekly podcast
> and hear all about it on there :)

Got to add that to my book of funny rumours :) Show me one true
cross-platform product from Microsoft that has been updated in sync with
the Windows versions over the years. If you find that, I guess we have
an answer; if you don't find one, I guess we have an answer as well ;-)


Don't get me started on keeping up with versions, adobe has ignored us, more
sites use flash9, ports has adobe marked as restricted and I cant find a ver
9 alternative to adobe :( Microsoft is worse on supporting their own
software, a product made for sale commericially *should* work smoother then
one given for free, but Microsoft doesnt see thing like that :p If anyone
knows a good alternative to flash9 let me know!

Better, yet. Please let us all know. That "Heads Up" should even be crossposted ;)

Flash 7 sites are becoming few and far between.


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