Am Dienstag, 11. Mai 2004 23:42 schrieb Paul English:
> I have a filesystem which is showing some very odd problems on FreeBSD
> 4.4. The system has one 60GB IDE drive for the os and some user partitions
> and one 800GB array of 120GB disks attached to a 3ware IDE-RAID controller.
> The latter is all one big partition.
> For most files and directories, copying/transferring them around is not a
> problem. But for a couple of very specific directories, copying them seems
> next to impossible. When I attempt to copy these, after a few minutes of
> *extremely* slow copying (<1k/min), the system load shoots up and the
> system becomes virtually unusable.

Maybe you want to read the following and try the patch:

I'm not sure wether it patches cleanly against 4.4 but I'm sure you'll get 
assistance by the discussing people.


> In particular, working with one directory which is 11GB. Some
> subdirectories, even large ones copy fine from /usr1 (a partition on the
> 60GB disk) to /raid (the partition for the entire raid array).
> I can even make a tar of one of the non-working directories to /usr1, copy
> the tar file to /raid (with no problems), then when I try to untar it on
> /raid I get the same problem - very very slow (<1k/min) and then the
> system load shoots up to 10+ and the system becomes unusable.  In this
> case the data is going from /raid -> /raid instead of from /usr1 -> /raid,
> but it does not seem to help.
> I've also tried using some other utilities than simply "cp" in an attempt
> to "fool" the system - I've tried scp, and tar cf - . | (cd /raid;tar xf
> -) as well.
> There are no messages in dmesg or /var/log/messages that look at all
> related, and there are no messages that are accruing (for example while
> attempting a copy).
> Paul
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