On Wed, 12 May 2004, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 11. Mai 2004 23:42 schrieb Paul English:
> > I have a filesystem which is showing some very odd problems on FreeBSD
> > 4.4. The system has one 60GB IDE drive for the os and some user partitions
> > and one 800GB array of 120GB disks attached to a 3ware IDE-RAID controller.
> > The latter is all one big partition.
> >
> > For most files and directories, copying/transferring them around is not a
> > problem. But for a couple of very specific directories, copying them seems
> > next to impossible. When I attempt to copy these, after a few minutes of
> > *extremely* slow copying (<1k/min), the system load shoots up and the
> > system becomes virtually unusable.
> Maybe you want to read the following and try the patch:
> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=32920+0+archive/2004/freebsd-stable/20040509.freebsd-stable
> I'm not sure wether it patches cleanly against 4.4 but I'm sure you'll get
> assistance by the discussing people.

Thanks Harry - that certainly sounds applicable. I'm working on a
system-wide upgrade to 4.9 right now so getting it to work with 4.4 may be
a non-issue. It looks like I should plan on patching 4.9 though!

I'm glad to see that 3ware finally has mention of a new beta driver for
4.8. Maybe they hired a FreeBSD person at last!


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