On 12/9/2015 17:29, Michael B. Eichorn wrote:
> I sorry, but I really don't get your point, PCBSD has shown a great
> reason why zfs on root and on laptops/desktops is a good idea... boot
> environments. They have pretty much figured out how to use snapshots
> to go from A-B ping-pong installations to A-B-C-D-E.... installations.
> I am even aware of people using it to run Release and Current on the
> same machine. Unfortunately at the moment the system requires GRUB,
> but there is ongoing work to add the ability to the FreeBSD
> bootloader. Further IIRC zfs send-receive has a history involving a
> developer who wanted a better rsync for transfering his work to a
> laptop. In addition we have pretty much Moore's Lawed our way to the
> point where a new laptop today can out spec a typical server from when
> ZFS was first implemented. Hiding features because you 'can' shoot
> your foot off is hardly a typical UNIXy way of thinking anyway. 

Boot environments work fine on FreeBSD.  Look at "beadm" :-)

What are you trying to do that you need GRUB?

Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
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