On Dec 9, 2015 7:24 PM, "Karl Denninger" <k...@denninger.net> wrote:
> On 12/9/2015 17:29, Michael B. Eichorn wrote:
> > I sorry, but I really don't get your point, PCBSD has shown a great
> > reason why zfs on root and on laptops/desktops is a good idea... boot
> > environments. They have pretty much figured out how to use snapshots
> > to go from A-B ping-pong installations to A-B-C-D-E.... installations.
> > I am even aware of people using it to run Release and Current on the
> > same machine. Unfortunately at the moment the system requires GRUB,
> > but there is ongoing work to add the ability to the FreeBSD
> > bootloader. Further IIRC zfs send-receive has a history involving a
> > developer who wanted a better rsync for transfering his work to a
> > laptop. In addition we have pretty much Moore's Lawed our way to the
> > point where a new laptop today can out spec a typical server from when
> > ZFS was first implemented. Hiding features because you 'can' shoot
> > your foot off is hardly a typical UNIXy way of thinking anyway.
> Boot environments work fine on FreeBSD.  Look at "beadm" :-)
> What are you trying to do that you need GRUB?

GRUB supports listing and selecting boot environments as part of the boot

FreeBSD 8.x and 9.x boot loaders don't support listing or selecting BEs.
Neither does 10.0; not sure about 10.1.

Devin Teske and company did a lot of work on this area, and I believe 10.2,
certainly -CURRENT, supports this.

Because of BEs, PC-BSD flip-flopped between the FreeBSD loader and GRUB in
the 9.x and 10.x releases. I think they support both now.

Typos courtesy of my phone's autocorrect.
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