On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 9:23 PM Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:

> [[ I sent this to -current earlier in the day, but I thought I'd widen the
> scope ]]
> Greetings,
> As you can tell, the project is looking to clear some of the deadwood from
> its driver lists. One problem is that we have to guess what's in used based
> on our personal experience. This has proven to be less reliable than hoped
> in the 10/100 discussions that are going on now.
> So, to that end, I'd like to request as many people as possible submit
> their current dmesg to the service at http://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi so
> that we have a better basis for future preliminary lists of drivers for
> other parts of the tree. Please take the time to make these submissions
> regardless of what your current hardware is. Please submit for any machine
> you'd like to upgrade to FreeBSD 12 or 13. Heck, submit for any machine you
> have running, if you'd like. Identifying information is generally masked
> out.
> This is just a request by me. I'll be using the data in about a month to
> look at old parallel scsi driver use. Though not definitive, it will be
> suggestive of what's in use. The data is currently a bit thin, so I thought
> I'd see what a message like this could do to improve that situation. This
> should be viewed as a personal suggestion right now...
> Warner
> P.S. I know there's other user generated data sites out there, but this
> appears to be the only one that's actually still working.

This one-liner works to submit, though you'll need to change username,
email and maybe tweak the description if your system doesn't have decent
smbios entries. It's also x86 centric, since other systems won't have this
information as readily available.

curl -v -d "nickname=$USER" -d "email=$USER@$(hostname)" -d
"description=FreeBSD/$(uname -m) on $(kenv smbios.system.maker) $(kenv
smbios.system.product)" -d "do=addd" --data-urlencode

Hope helps facilitate submission of entries.  Thanks to Charles Sprickman
for the idea of using a curl one-liner.

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