[adding maintainers of synth and ccache]

On 6/29/20, Mark Millard <mark...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Based on "small arm system" context experiments
> mostly . . .
> If your console messasges do not include
> messages about "swap_pager_getswapspace(...): failed",
> then it is unlikely that being out of swap space
> is the actual issue even when it reports: "was killed:
> out of swap space" messages. For such contexts, making
> the swap area bigger does not help.

It did not show those getswapspace messages.

> In other words, "was killed: out of swap space"
> is frequently a misnomer and not to be believed
> for "why" the kill happened or what should be
> done about it --without other evidence also being
> present anyway.
> Other causes include:
> Sustained low free RAM (via stays-runnable processes).
> A sufficiently delayed pageout.
> The swap blk uma zone was exhausted.
> The swap pctrie uma zone was exhausted.
> (stays-runnable processes are not swapped out
> [kernel stacks are not swapped out] but do actively
> compete for RAM via paging activity. In such a
> context, free RAM can stay low.)
> The below material does not deal with the
> the "exhausted" causes but does deal with
> the other 2.
> Presuming that you are getting "was killed: out
> of swap space" notices but are not getting
> "swap_pager_getswapspace failed" notices and
> that kern.maxswzone vs. system load has not
> been adjusted in a way that leads to bad
> memory tradeoffs . . .
> I recommend attempting use of, say, (from
> my /etc/sysctl.conf ):
Attached is what I tried, but when I ran synth again, I got a
corrupted HDD that fsck refuses to fix, whether in 1U mode or with fs
mounted. It just will not SALVAGE even when I add the -y flag.

What got corrupted was one of the /usr/.ccache directories, but
'ccache -C' doesn't clear it.

I restored the original /etc/sysctl.conf, but I can't add packages or
ports any more, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to dd if=/dev/zero the
disk and reload from 12.1R and start over again.

I can't even 'rm -Rf /usr/.ccache'. It says 'Directory not empty'.

I don't need this system up and running, so I'm not going to make any
more changes until I see if any of you have suggestions to try first.
Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *

Attachment: sysctl.conf.new
Description: Binary data

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