Bill Vermillion said:

>Actually I saw that documented a very very long time ago in
>an Intel Unix manual.  And Intel got out of Unix in the mid to late
>1980s.  I don't recall if that was the one that was sold to Kodak -
>the picture people - which then was sold to Interactive ?? - and
>eventually wound up at Sun.  There were so many Unix variants
>in those days you had to have a chart to keep up with them.  Each
>HW manufacturer had their own version and name, and at that time
>the only time you could call your OS Unix was if you compiled
>it directly from the AT&T tapes with no changes on a Vax [if I
>recall the scenario correctly].

The main reason for sync;sync;sync on V7 UNIX was because you couldn't 
do a shutdown, only a halt to the hardware monitor, on the PDP11. You
can verify that behavior with SIMH. :-)
Rick Kelly      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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