On Friday 22 July 2005 04:06 pm, Brandon Fosdick wrote:
> SMP support in FreeBSD seems to be a perpetually favorite feature
> to gripe about, but every release seems to say that its getting
> better. I'm about to build a new server and am trying to determine
> if I should go with dual procs or just a single. The AMD64x2 is
> slightly cheaper than the FX-57 so I'm leaning that way, but it
> would be a rather pointless savings if SMP isn't well supported.
> So, is SMP in -STABLE ready for primetime? Can it really make use
> of two processors? _______________________________________________

I'm running RELENG_6 on a dual processor Opteron in 64 bit mode and 
it's working fine as long as I'm using the 4BSD scheduler.

Anish Mistry

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