Michael Collette writes:

This last week I had been working on a test network to test out 6.1 prior to upgrading our production boxes from 5.4.

I wish I had done that.. :-(

That's when I ran across the rpc.lockd issues that have been discussed earlier.

I am not familiar with that, but I can tell you from experience that the nfs client code in 6.X has issues.. In particular if the server goes down the client machine doesn't allow you to unmount the volume.. and if you have programs trying to acces the downed mount, the whole machine may end up freezing.
... I also have my mail server delivering messages to a file server via NFS.

We use NFS as our "storage" sever for pop/imap, but use the MTA to deliver to the machine.

Is NFS a big deal for most other users, or am I out here on the fringe using it as much as I do?

It is for us..
I am even trying to see if we can even pay someone to expedite getting NFS fixed in 6.

Unfortunately we decided to increase our NFS usage after I had installed 6.X in a number of new machines.
Is anyone working on a fix for this?

If there is I have not read about it.

I guess I'm still just a bit stunned that a bug this obvious not only found it's way into the STABLE branch, but is still there.

I am fairly new to NFS.. but I am getting the impression that FreeBSD's NFS is not as mature as other platforms. I also think it has a lot to do with usage patterns. I have seen mentions of people having hundreds of clients connected to a single NFS server... yet I see problems with just a handfull of clients. Maybe the issue is only with the 6.X branch. Sadly part of the reason I moved some newer machines to 6.X was because of some comments I saw on how NFS had been improved in 6.X :-(
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