On 2007-Jul-17 11:06:30 +0200, "Heiko Wundram (Beenic)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>By the way: using the roots as hints only adds to the number of requests your 
>server has to do in order to retrieve first-level domain name servers, so in 
>the end, the transmitted data should be way higher than doing one AXFR to 
>find them (simply because you'll see a large subset of those toplevel domains 
>being requested when you're publically offering a DNS server). And the data 
>is also cached on an AXFR in persistant storage, which is another major 
>benefit (for me).

Note that it's not just a single AXFR - you need to update your local
slave copy whenever the master copy changes.  I'm not sure how often
this is but the current SOA has a 1-day timeout and appears to be about
24 hours old.  I suspect the total data transferred via AXFRs will be
significantly higher than just caching lookup results.

Peter Jeremy

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