On Tuesday 17 July 2007 23:06:22 Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> Can you expand on this, re: why it's "bad advice"?  I also cannot make
> heads or tails of the BIND ARM saying it's "not recommended".  Please
> shed some light on this for those of us less experienced in the know,
> if you could (I mean that sincerely).

See my mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, also in this thread.

A stub zone is basically a zone that's only configured with an absolutely 
necessary amount of records (for the _zone_ itself). The idea behind stub 
zones is the following:

$ORIGIN modelnine.org
stubzone        IN      NS      ns1.stubzone

How is stubzone ever going to be resolvable unless you specify glue for 
ns1.stubzone.modelnine.org? Normally, the standard "way" of doing this would 
be to set up a glue (A) record for ns1.stubzone in modelnine.org, but with 
stub zones you can also create different zone files:

$ORIGIN modelnine.org

$ORIGIN stubzone.modelnine.org
                IN      NS      ns1
ns1             IN      A       a.b.c.d

which you can then integrate into your bind configuration as a normal zone for 
modelnine.org and as a stub zone for stubzone.modelnine.org, and which only 
contains the glue necessary to have the subdomain/-zone working by itself, 
but does not contain other records.

When the nameserver sees a stub zone, it will not take the content of the zone 
file as "authoritative" on existance or non-existance of domain names in that 
zone, but only uses the records in the zone as glue or nameserver definitions 
which are necessary to run the lookup to the "true" zone behind the stub, 
which are then normally resolved. So, basically, this is a (different) way of 
defining glue, which I personally don't find very appealing, as it splits the 
glue over many, many files.

This mechanism is simply not applicable to the situation this thread was 
talking about (using the root zone as hint or slave), that's what Doug was 
trying to say, and I was trying to say in the mail I hinted at above.

Heiko Wundram
Product & Application Development
Beenic Networks GmbH
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