
Den 10 okt 2013 13:33 skrev "Eugen Leitl" <eu...@leitl.org>:
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 01:06:14PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> > The point I am trying to make is that we should focus on hardware
> > available already with a lot of users.  The fact that there is other
> The Raspberry is a nice device, but it looks a bit anaemic
> in terms of hardware specs.

The Raspberry Pi works good as a small server. 512 MB are more than most
NAS got one year ago. And you can easily clock it to 1 GHz.

> It seems you have to develop a minimal core which is designed
> for small/memory-tight devices. What would be such a minimal
> core the Pi could run?

What do you mean with core? The standard Debian kernel works good. As long
as you don't run any X11 locally, it's plenty of power and RAM for a server.

Unix was developer on under powered computers even in that time.

> > hardware around (or soon to be available) that is nicher and more
> > powerful and less dependend on non-free binary blobs is beside the
> > point.  We do not attract many potential developers by announcing
> > support for some hardware almost no-one have at home already. :)

I do agree on this.  But do we need to even talk hardware this much?
If done right, as long we have Debian running on a machine should we be
able to run Freedombox on it.
And Rasbian should be enough Debian to run Freedombox, without (large)
software problems.

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