Hi again,

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also had written a silly WHATDRIV.COM util used on one of my
> floppies, but I can't remember why. Maybe I was expecting someone to
> convert to .ISO (mkbiso) or whatever. Not sure if that would help here
> or not.

My old "BARE_DOS" floppy has this (just so you know):

@echo off

if exist rugxfish.ans copy /b rugxfish.ans con



if errorlevel 1 set drive=A

if errorlevel 2 set drive=B

if errorlevel 3 set drive=C

if errorlevel 4 set drive=D

if errorlevel 5 set drive=E

if errorlevel 6 set drive=F

if errorlevel 7 set drive=G

path %drive%:\

if not "%CONFIG%"=="0" if not "%CONFIG%"=="1" path %PATH%;%drive%:\386

... (etc etc etc, not relevant here)

All my computers are in disarray (as always), but I did use NDISASM to
dump the bits of WHATDRIV.COM:

00000100  268E062C00        mov es,[es:0x2c]

00000105  31FF              xor di,di

00000107  30C0              xor al,al

00000109  B9FFFF            mov cx,0xffff

0000010C  F2AE              repne scasb

0000010E  AE                scasb

0000010F  75FB              jnz 0x10c

00000111  268A4502          mov al,[es:di+0x2]

00000115  2C40              sub al,0x40

00000117  B44C              mov ah,0x4c

00000119  CD21              int 0x21

I don't know if this helps or not (oh well) !!    :-/

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