Hello all,

I’ve done a little bit of restructuring. 

The http://up.lod.bz/V8Power precompiled version will no longer include the 
source files. 
Those will be maintained over at http://github.com/LoopZ/V8Power 

Also, I have started making detailed examples on usage of V8PT. They are in both
downloads under the EXAMPLES directory. What each example demonstrates is
described in a readme.txt file in that directory. 

At present, the following examples are:


Example 0 (EX00.BAT)

Simple test to see if V8Power Tools are installed.


Example 1 (EX01.BAT)

Simple test to determine if the batch file is running under DOSBox.

DOSBox does not support I/O redirection at present.  This is not a limitation
of V8PT. But, it is to be noted that DOSBox does not support it. Therefore, 
batch files that run on DOSBox must work around this limitation. Things like
querying the current cursor shape with "vcursor /q" will function, but there
is now way to save it's output. See Example 2 for a workaround to this issue.


Example 2 (EX02.BAT)

Hiding and restoring the cursor.


Example 3 (EX03.BAT)

Simple application style screen drawing with a delay and cleared screen on


Example 4 (EX04.BAT)

Simple pause with timeout example.


Example 5 (EX05.BAT)

Simple choice box with intentional to many choices that returns errorlevel 
of selected choice. Please note that under DOSBox or under FreeDOS without
a memory manager installed, choices with multiple colors are flattened to
to a single color.


Example 6 (EX06.BAT)

Simple choice box that returns the text of the selected choice to stdout. Will
not work under DOSBox. 

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