Might be a dumb question - but why creating so many micro tools? Would 
it be possible to have all of them inside one binary, with behavior 
adapted with a switch? (a la busybox - like "V8POWER VCURSOR HIDE") ?

It would certainly make the toolbox much more space-efficient on big 
(fat) clusters :)

If I see right, the effective space of the toolbox would be around ~100 
KiB now on 4K clusters. Having them all in a busybox-like package would 
probably take one tenth of that.


On 01/09/2015 16:45, Jerome E. Shidel Jr. wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’ve done a little bit of restructuring.
> The http://up.lod.bz/V8Power precompiled version will no longer include the 
> source files.
> Those will be maintained over at http://github.com/LoopZ/V8Power
> Also, I have started making detailed examples on usage of V8PT. They are in 
> both
> downloads under the EXAMPLES directory. What each example demonstrates is
> described in a readme.txt file in that directory.
> At present, the following examples are:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 0 (EX00.BAT)
> Simple test to see if V8Power Tools are installed.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 1 (EX01.BAT)
> Simple test to determine if the batch file is running under DOSBox.
> DOSBox does not support I/O redirection at present.  This is not a limitation
> of V8PT. But, it is to be noted that DOSBox does not support it. Therefore,
> batch files that run on DOSBox must work around this limitation. Things like
> querying the current cursor shape with "vcursor /q" will function, but there
> is now way to save it's output. See Example 2 for a workaround to this issue.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 2 (EX02.BAT)
> Hiding and restoring the cursor.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 3 (EX03.BAT)
> Simple application style screen drawing with a delay and cleared screen on
> exit.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 4 (EX04.BAT)
> Simple pause with timeout example.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 5 (EX05.BAT)
> Simple choice box with intentional to many choices that returns errorlevel
> of selected choice. Please note that under DOSBox or under FreeDOS without
> a memory manager installed, choices with multiple colors are flattened to
> to a single color.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Example 6 (EX06.BAT)
> Simple choice box that returns the text of the selected choice to stdout. Will
> not work under DOSBox.

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