Hi Bart,

>> Assuming no objections, I will tag and make available kernel 2039
>> sometime at the end of this week.  So if there are objections, please
>> speak up! but include exactly what you feel needs to be done before
>> the new release [that can not wait for a future release].
> thanks! history.txt needs updating. I'll do that tomorrow. There's
> nothing else I can think of that is urgent.

A good (per svn commit) history.txt is very valuable, thanks!

> * ability to cross-compile from Linux

Nice :-)

> * fnodes are eliminated, except for internal use inside DOS calls (2
> fnodes in the SDA remain); SFTs are now compatible with MSDOS which
> helps some programs that look at these structures.

Also good, but probably needs much testing? Can you give
potential testers some hints what they should play with?

Which aspects of SFT changed and how? Are there potential
performance issues because we no longer can cache certain
data in extra fields of fnodes?

By the way - I believe support for files between 2 and 4 GB
in size already got added, also by you, several weeks ago?

> * Fix rename in full root directories (Bugzilla bug 1908)
> * Fixed Int21/AX=4409 for drives from device drivers.

What was wrong?

> * Add COUNTRY.SYS support (from unstable, Eduardo Casino).

Cool :-)

> * Findfirst/findnext are more MSDOS compatible.

Please explain.

> * New SYS, merged from unstable branch.

I hope it still uses the much faster cached copying :-)
Could you add a small but useful option to force either
CHS or LBA mode boot sectors, in particular for FAT32?

> * Avoid calling media_check() too often (to get
> fewer Abort/Retry/Ignore prompts if you press I)

Which also leads to the question: Do we call it often
enough, and is DF_NOACCESS enabled and fully working?

> * Check BPB instead of DPB to check for FAT32 after
> a BUILDBPB device call, to fix a problem with USBDRIVE.

Interesting! Will this also fix potential other issues
or are there also other things related to disk changes
that might need improvement? I am sure Alain would be
very interested to check and comment on the new disk
change handling, as he had issues with the old :-).

> Pat: Jeremy wrote earlier that current SVN binaries are always at:
> http://fdos.org/kernel/ke386f32.zip - 386+, FAT32 enabled kernel
> http://fdos.org/kernel/ke86f16.zip - 8086+, FAT16/12 only kernel
> now would be a good time to test for everyone else too!

Sure :-) Maybe we could also mention the fdos.org auto
builds on the webpage? Is there a way to include some
automatic "current build is from date X" snippet...?


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