Well, got __STRANGE__ news:

1. No new details to the "Crosslink-BUG" ... cluster size is 4 KiB :-|

2. Discovered a NEW BUG:

- present in both 2038 and 2039
- not critical
- possibly related to the "Crosslink-BUG" (probability not very high ...)
- reproductability as ALWAYS :-)

Steps to repropduce:

1. Get WDE or similar
2. Overwrite both entries in FS-info sector with $FFFF'FFFF
3. Reboot to FreeDOS
4. DIR - there is a massivre delay at the end
5. DIR - no delay anymore
6. Try to brew a file or SUBDIR ("MD")
- expected result: should work
- effective result: DOESN'T WORK
7. Retry and it will work now

EDR-DOS doesn't have this bug.

~~~ wow ~~~

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