
On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> I have aquired and set up two removable drives with which I intend backing
> up the two hard drives in my pure dos machine.
> I was planning to use xcopy for this, but before I start am wondering if
> there is  anything else?
> Again although I am not using freedos, my computer only has dos,  so any
> idea should strictly  run  in this.

The only major caveat would be to make sure that you aren't trying to
preserve LFNs since almost all XCOPY clones don't support that. Not
sure about Win9x nor whether XCOPY32 or whatever would work better.
(If you did need LFNs preserved, it would "maybe" be better to use GNU
/ DJGPP "cp -r" or some third-party version like xWCopy.)

The other minor problem would be speed, but I'm not sure what would
work best. (Presumably loading UIDE, cache + Ultra DMA, would help the
most.) I haven't ever really needed to try, so I'm not much help here,
but there are other variants like ZCOPY or XXCOPY or whatever. At
least one of them (probably ZCOPY) used XMS. Not sure when/if MS-DOS
supported anything beyond just conventional memory (or maybe HD
swapping), only after MS-DOS 6.00?? Dunno. You could probably also use
an archiver (e.g. "zip -9Xr d:\backup.zip c:\"[untested]) if you
really wanted.

Anyways, here's some download links if you're curious:

(BSD; may be limited to 65,000 files at a time)
2). http://na.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/djgpp/beta/v2gnu/fil41b.zip (GPL,
needs 386+ and DPMI, see ../current/v2misc/csdpmi7b.zip if needed)
3). ftp://ftp.sac.sk/sac/utildisk/xclone13.zip (freeware)

4). ftp://ftp.sac.sk/pub/sac/utilfile/zcopy35.zip (probably not
LFN-aware ... oops, non-commercial only "without explicit permission",

EDIT: Not sure the DOS version of XXCOPY is supported anymore, doesn't
look like it, and I can't find any obvious link to the older version.
Though it's apparently only for personal, non-commercial use anyways
(without extra payment).

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