On 2013-11-08 18:31 (GMT-0500) Karen Lewellen composed:

> I have aquired and set up two removable drives with which I intend backing
> up the two hard drives in my pure dos machine.
> I was planning to use xcopy for this, but before I start am wondering if
> there is  anything else?
> Again although I am not using freedos, my computer only has dos,  so any
> idea should strictly  run  in this.

One option is creating partition images, which wouldn't necessarily require 
running DOS to do. Generally it is best not to make images from partitions 
with files open, but that's often easily avoided by booting USB or OM, such 
as the systemrescue CD or a live Linux distro, to run an imaging program.

The partitioner I use isn't free[1], but does have binaries for DOS in 
addition to Windows, Mac, Linux and OS/2, creating tables that every PC OS 
can be happy to use. It also does duty, among other things, as an imaging 
utility, and because of the logs it makes when used, makes partition 
cataloging and management much easier for users with a lot of media than 
other methods I've ever encountered.

[1] http://www.dfsee.com/ (The DFSee CD boots FreeDOS.)
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