On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Dale E Sterner <sunbeam...@juno.com> wrote:
> I got it to download finally. It seems that it doesn't like Opera.
> I tried IE and it worked. I wonder why it hates Opera.
> Opera always worked before.

I have no idea.  Which version of Opera?

> As far as dos goes I use it for alot. Qpro for book keeping,
> Wordperfect for letters etc and Quickview to do my camera pics.
> with QV you can stop a movie on a frame and capture a still to print.

"Mister, you're a better man than I."

I migrated to Windows and Linux long ago.  There are still a few old
DOS apps I use, and I'm currently playing with a fork of DOSBox called
vDos under 64 bit Windows to run them.  I play with FreeDOS for fun
and to keep my hand in.  I haven't tried to use DOS as my production
OS for over 25 years.  Too much of what I do now simply can't be done
in DOS, and some that can is simply more trouble to do it that way
than it's worth.

If what you have suits your needs, more power to you.  It would not suit mine.

> thanx
> DS

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