On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 8:25 PM, Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
> I can certainly understand the paranoia from a totally volunteer organization 
> like FreeOOS, but there needs to be some reasonable perspective applied to 
> this at some point in time.

Yes.  IP disputes and claims of misuse of proprietary code are about
*money*.  People who bring suit over things like that are either
afraid they might be losing money because their IP was appropriated,
or are attempting to erect legal roadblocks to competition.  Bringing
such suits takes time, money and effort, and aren't done casually or
on a whim.

What money is there in MSDOS or open source equivalents now?  What
would make MS or anyone else toss lawsuits around affecting it?  I'm
not aware of anything.  There may have been back when the FreeDOS
project began, but I suspect that point is long past.

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