On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 6:04 PM, Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/19/2017 2:40 PM, Jerome Shidel wrote:
>> Eric, You and Tom are correct. But, so is Rugxulo.
> Consistency is king...
>> Is it a problem?
> Potentially, yes, as someone might try to open up an LSM file after
> install with a real DOS program that does NOT be able to handle LF-only
> line endings.

> Where do you draw the line when it comes to what is not a problem? How
> about I access and save a LSM file with my old Mac OS 9 iMac, which is
> producing the then default CR-only line endings?

Speaking as a sysadmin who had to support mixed OS environments,
differing EOL conventions in text files were a bane of my existence.

*nix systems used LF as the EOL character.
Mac OS <9 used CR.
DOS/Windows used *both*.

At one point, I had to insert a step in a *nix script that generated
and emailed nightly reports.  The recipients would get them as
attachments on Windows machines, and double click them to read them,
which by default invoked Notepad to display plain text files.  Notepad
was *stupid*.  It saw the LF, so it advanced a line, but it *didn't*
see the CR, so it didn't home the cursor before displaying the next
line, and the result was a stair step effect.when the file was viewed.
I had to call a Unix2DOS utility to adjust the file to CRLF line ends
before emailing it.

*nix was actually more of a problem than Windows.  Most things in *nix
treated a CR as a white space character and didn't care about them,
but a few things had issues.  The problems on either OS tended to be
things that displayed/edited files.  Notepad on Windows had the
problem noted above.  *nix tools displayed ^M wherever a CR was
encountered, which was annoying.

It's probably a good idea to sanitize FreeDOS text files to have CRLF
consistently, but under DOS and Windows I installed editors and file
viewers that understood LF as EOL char and did the right thing so I
didn't have to care, and deliberately saved text files with LF as EOL
character so I could move them to *nix without caring.

How many things available as part of FreeDOS *do* have problems with
LF only EOL markers in text files?

> Ralf

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