On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 10:50 AM TK Chia <u1049321...@caramail.com> wrote:
> >> On a side note, you're using GNU Make and AWK (to cross-build?). I do
> >> wonder if DJGPP Make (or even other AWK implementations) would work
> >> for us here.
> DJGPP make is mainly just a port of GNU make, is it not?

Well, as part of a port of the entire Gnu/Linux toolchain, including
GCC.  Things like Scons are displacing make in some contexts, but make
isn't going away.

> As for the AWK portion, I have tested my script for munging the
> GW-BASIC source files with both GNU awk (gawk) and mawk.

Were any changes required to your original script to get it to work as
expected in gawk *and* mawk?

> > Awk is still useful on *nix - various things like build recipes may
> > use it in scripts - but for most purposes, perl has replaced it.  (I
> > consider that a pity.  Awk is smaller and faster, and perl may be
> > overkill for a lot of what you might need to do.  Former Busybox
> Agreed.  In fact I wrote an earlier version of my source-file-munging
> script in Perl, but later rewrote it in AWK. :-)


On the Linux side, I am seeing distros that no longer use text files
for configuration, and do everything in Python. Python is a cool
language, but if perl was overkill, Python is mass destruction.
Config files in plain text you can look at to see what they say and
how things are configured have attractions.

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