Thanks for the quick reply, Ralf. I have a work around, which did the
trick. I just created four partitions, each less than 32gb on the stick,
and freedos is happy with that.

Now all I have to do is decide if I'm sticking with Microsoft Works, or if
I'll go back to Wordperfect 5.1 and my distraction-free writing machine
will be finished!

Oh yeah, and I have to uninstall the games. :-)

On Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 03:23 Ralf Quint via Freedos-user, <> wrote:

> On 7/21/2023 2:01 PM, John Vella via Freedos-user wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I installed freedos on my IBM Thinkpad T43 and I installed a usb
> > driver, which works. Sort of.
> >
> > I can access a 2gb usb stick, which is formatted to FAT32, and that's
> > great, but I want to use a different stick.
> >
> > This is where the problems begin. It's a 128gb stick. If I find a way
> > to create a FAT32 partition to use the whole space do we know if
> > freedos would be able to handle that size? Or is there another file
> > system I could use?
> No, you definitely can NOT use a different file system. FAT[12,16,32] is
> the only file system that FreeDOS understands.
> I had never had the need to use such large partitions with (any) DOS,
> and don't use it for anything else, as it is limited to 4GB file size too.
> Theoretically, FAT32 could handle up to 2TB in partition size, while
> newer Windows (and some other OS) limit it to 32GB. Not sure if a peek
> in the sources would reveal what a limitation under FreeDOS for FAT32
> partitions would be...
> Ralf
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