In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Eddie Stassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It appears that the use of non thread-safe library functions are
>> responsible for this.
>  Uh, yeah.  Why didn't I think of that.
>  Sorry...

Well, you should be able to link against thread-safe variants of
those functions, right? I mean, strtok() is obviously not
thread safe, but localtime() should be.

It's probably just a matter of linking against the right library.
libc_r instead of libc, most likely.

I think Linux turns on thread-safety if you define -DREENTRANT
and link with -pthreads. Other systems might need other
magic incantations. Like FreeBSD, and probably Solaris.

>  The changes MUSt be made for safety.  I'll take a look at doing some
>of the work over the next few days.

Don't just substitute all library functions for their _r equivalents,
just find out how to link against the thread-safe libc variant.


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