I have three radius servers all with identical configuration files.

I use Ascend-Data-Filter to send an access list back to my users, I do 
this via the default_profile setting in the ldap {} block.

This has been working in previous versions, and still works on one of my 

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 0.4, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu, built on Jan 
15 2002 at 10:21:11

However, My two production servers are not working, they are:

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 0.5, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu, built on Feb       
5 2002 at 07:03:51


radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 0.5, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu, built on Feb 
18 2002 at 13:36:58

I will attach a radiusd -X.

It looks like:
rlm_ldap: performing search in uid=radprofileascend, ou=radius, 
dc=mydomain, dc=com, with filter (objectclass=radiusprofile)
ber_dump: buf=0x080cc9a0 ptr=0x080cc9a4 end=0x080ccccc len=808

is where the problem begins.  another note, it's not mapping the 
attributes from ldap when I first start the server, like my older server 

Any help is apreciated.

radiusd -X
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
 main: prefix = "/usr/local"
 main: localstatedir = "/usr/local/var"
 main: logdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/usr/local/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading clients
read_config_files:  reading realms
read_config_files:  reading naslist
 main: max_request_time = 5
 main: cleanup_delay = 3
 main: max_requests = 9000
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_auth = yes
 main: log_auth_badpass = no
 main: log_auth_goodpass = yes
 main: pidfile = "/usr/local/var/run/radiusd.pid"
 main: user = "nobody"
 main: group = "nobody"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "yes"
 main: lower_pass = "yes"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: proxy_requests = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/lib
Module: Loaded LDAP 
 ldap: server = "ldap1.mydomain.com"
 ldap: port = 389
 ldap: net_timeout = 2
 ldap: timeout = 8
 ldap: timelimit = 6
 ldap: ldap_cache_timeout = 120
 ldap: ldap_cache_size = 0
 ldap: identity = "cn=Manager, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: start_tls = no
 ldap: password = "HEHEHEH"
 ldap: basedn = "ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: filter = "(uid=%u)"
 ldap: default_profile = "uid=radprofileascend, ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: profile_attribute = "(null)"
 ldap: access_group = "(null)"
 ldap: password_header = "(null)"
 ldap: password_attribute = "userpassword"
 ldap: access_attr = "(null)"
 ldap: groupname_attribute = "cn"
 ldap: groupmembership_filter = 

 ldap: dictionary_mapping = "/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap"
 ldap: ldap_debug = 40
 ldap: ldap_connections_number = 5
 ldap: authtype = "(null)"
conns: (nil)
rlm_ldap: reading ldap<->radius mappings from file /etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCheckItem mapped to RADIUS $GENERIC$
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusReplyItem mapped to RADIUS $GENERIC$
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusAuthType mapped to RADIUS Auth-Type
rlm_ldap: LDAP simultaneous-use mapped to RADIUS Simultaneous-Use
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCalledStationId mapped to RADIUS Called-Station-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallingStationId mapped to RADIUS Calling-Station-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP ascend-data-filter mapped to RADIUS Ascend-Data-Filter
rlm_ldap: LDAP cisco-avpair mapped to RADIUS Cisco-AVPair
rlm_ldap: LDAP service-type mapped to RADIUS Service-Type
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-protocol mapped to RADIUS Framed-Protocol
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-ip-address mapped to RADIUS Framed-IP-Address
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-ip-netmask mapped to RADIUS Framed-IP-Netmask
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-route mapped to RADIUS Framed-Route
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedRouting mapped to RADIUS Framed-Routing
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFilterId mapped to RADIUS Filter-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedMTU mapped to RADIUS Framed-MTU
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedCompression mapped to RADIUS Framed-Compression
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginIPHost mapped to RADIUS Login-IP-Host
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginService mapped to RADIUS Login-Service
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginTCPPort mapped to RADIUS Login-TCP-Port
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallbackNumber mapped to RADIUS Callback-Number
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallbackId mapped to RADIUS Callback-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedIPXNetwork mapped to RADIUS Framed-IPX-Network
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusClass mapped to RADIUS Class
rlm_ldap: LDAP session-timeout mapped to RADIUS Session-Timeout
rlm_ldap: LDAP idle-timeout mapped to RADIUS Idle-Timeout
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusTerminationAction mapped to RADIUS Termination-Action
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATService mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Service
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATNode mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Node
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATGroup mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Group
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkLink mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Link
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkNetwork mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Network
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkZone mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
rlm_ldap: LDAP port-limit mapped to RADIUS Port-Limit
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATPort mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Port
conns: 0x80b8b98
Module: Instantiated ldap (VISP1) 
 ldap: server = "ldap1.mydomain.com"
 ldap: port = 389
 ldap: net_timeout = 2
 ldap: timeout = 8
 ldap: timelimit = 6
 ldap: ldap_cache_timeout = 120
 ldap: ldap_cache_size = 0
 ldap: identity = "cn=Manager, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: start_tls = no
 ldap: password = "HEHHEEH"
 ldap: basedn = "ou=visp, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: filter = "(uid=%u)"
 ldap: default_profile = "uid=radprofileascend, radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com"
 ldap: profile_attribute = "(null)"
 ldap: access_group = "(null)"
 ldap: password_header = "(null)"
 ldap: password_attribute = "userPassword"
 ldap: access_attr = "(null)"
 ldap: groupname_attribute = "cn"
 ldap: groupmembership_filter = 

 ldap: dictionary_mapping = "/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap"
 ldap: ldap_debug = 40
 ldap: ldap_connections_number = 5
 ldap: authtype = "(null)"
conns: (nil)
rlm_ldap: reading ldap<->radius mappings from file /etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCheckItem mapped to RADIUS $GENERIC$
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusReplyItem mapped to RADIUS $GENERIC$
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusAuthType mapped to RADIUS Auth-Type
rlm_ldap: LDAP simultaneous-use mapped to RADIUS Simultaneous-Use
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCalledStationId mapped to RADIUS Called-Station-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallingStationId mapped to RADIUS Calling-Station-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP ascend-data-filter mapped to RADIUS Ascend-Data-Filter
rlm_ldap: LDAP cisco-avpair mapped to RADIUS Cisco-AVPair
rlm_ldap: LDAP service-type mapped to RADIUS Service-Type
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-protocol mapped to RADIUS Framed-Protocol
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-ip-address mapped to RADIUS Framed-IP-Address
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-ip-netmask mapped to RADIUS Framed-IP-Netmask
rlm_ldap: LDAP framed-route mapped to RADIUS Framed-Route
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedRouting mapped to RADIUS Framed-Routing
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFilterId mapped to RADIUS Filter-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedMTU mapped to RADIUS Framed-MTU
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedCompression mapped to RADIUS Framed-Compression
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginIPHost mapped to RADIUS Login-IP-Host
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginService mapped to RADIUS Login-Service
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginTCPPort mapped to RADIUS Login-TCP-Port
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallbackNumber mapped to RADIUS Callback-Number
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusCallbackId mapped to RADIUS Callback-Id
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedIPXNetwork mapped to RADIUS Framed-IPX-Network
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusClass mapped to RADIUS Class
rlm_ldap: LDAP session-timeout mapped to RADIUS Session-Timeout
rlm_ldap: LDAP idle-timeout mapped to RADIUS Idle-Timeout
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusTerminationAction mapped to RADIUS Termination-Action
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATService mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Service
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATNode mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Node
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATGroup mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Group
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkLink mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Link
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkNetwork mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Network
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusFramedAppleTalkZone mapped to RADIUS Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
rlm_ldap: LDAP port-limit mapped to RADIUS Port-Limit
rlm_ldap: LDAP radiusLoginLATPort mapped to RADIUS Login-LAT-Port
conns: 0x80b9a50
Module: Instantiated ldap (VISP) 
Module: Loaded CHAP 
Module: Instantiated chap (chap) 
Module: Loaded preprocess 
 preprocess: huntgroups = "/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
 preprocess: hints = "/etc/raddb/hints"
 preprocess: with_ascend_hack = yes
 preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
 preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
 preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
Module: Instantiated preprocess (preprocess) 
Module: Loaded files 
 files: usersfile = "/etc/raddb/users"
 files: acctusersfile = "/etc/raddb/acct_users"
 files: compat = "no"
Module: Instantiated files (files) 
Module: Loaded realm 
 realm: format = "suffix"
 realm: delimiter = "@"
Module: Instantiated realm (suffix) 
Module: Loaded detail 
 detail: detailfile = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail"
 detail: detailperm = 384
 detail: dirperm = 493
Module: Instantiated detail (detail) 
Module: Loaded System 
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = "/etc/passwd"
 unix: shadow = "(null)"
 unix: group = "/etc/group"
 unix: radwtmp = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix) 
Module: Loaded radutmp 
 radutmp: filename = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radutmp"
 radutmp: username = "%{User-Name}"
 radutmp: perm = 384
 radutmp: callerid = no
Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp) 
Listening on IP address *, ports 1645/udp and 1646/udp.
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=213, length=303
        User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Acct-Status-Type = Stop
        Acct-Session-Id = "67306443"
        Acct-Delay-Time = 0
        Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        NAS-Port-Type = Async
        NAS-Port = 1028
        USR-Modem-Training-Time = 18
        USR-Interface-Index = 2284
        USR-Chassis-Call-Slot = 5
        USR-Chassis-Call-Span = 1
        USR-Chassis-Call-Channel = 4
        USR-Unauthenticated-Time = 0
        Calling-Station-Id = "1111111111"
        Called-Station-Id = "1098"
        USR-Modulation-Type = v90Digital
        USR-Simplified-MNP-Levels = ccittV42
        USR-Simplified-V42bis-Usage = ccittV42bis
        USR-Connect-Speed = 50666-BPS
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        Framed-IP-Address =
        Acct-Session-Time = 556
        Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request
        Acct-Input-Octets = 207615
        Acct-Output-Octets = 902369
        Acct-Input-Packets = 2232
        Acct-Output-Packets = 2933
modcall: entering group preacct
  modcall[preacct]: module "suffix" returns ok
  modcall[preacct]: module "files" returns noop
  modcall[preacct]: module "preprocess" returns noop
modcall: group preacct returns ok
modcall: entering group accounting
radius_xlat:  '/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/'
rlm_detail: /usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail expands to 
  modcall[accounting]: module "detail" returns ok
  modcall[accounting]: module "unix" returns ok
radius_xlat:  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Accounting: logout: login entry for NAS nashville port 1028 not found
  modcall[accounting]: module "radutmp" returns ok
modcall: group accounting returns ok
Sending Accounting-Response of id 213 to
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 0 ID 213 with timestamp 3c740f8d
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=138, length=57
        User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
        Password = "encrypted pls. thx."
modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
    users: Matched DEFAULT at 151
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok
modcall: entering group redundant
rlm_ldap: - authorize
rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
radius_xlat:  '([EMAIL PROTECTED])'
radius_xlat:  'ou=visp, dc=mydomain, dc=com'
ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
rlm_ldap: (re)connect to ldap1.mydomain.com:389, authentication 0
rlm_ldap: bind as cn=Manager, dc=mydomain, dc=com/HEHEHEHE
rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
request 1 done
rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=visp, dc=mydomain, dc=com, with filter 
request 2 done
rlm_ldap: object not found or got ambiguous search result
rlm_ldap: search failed
ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "VISP" returns notfound
modcall: group redundant returns notfound
modcall: entering group redundant
rlm_ldap: - authorize
rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
radius_xlat:  '([EMAIL PROTECTED])'
radius_xlat:  'ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com'
ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
rlm_ldap: (re)connect to ldap1.mydomain.com:389, authentication 0
rlm_ldap: bind as cn=Manager, dc=mydomain, dc=com/HEHEHEHEH
rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
request 1 done
rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com, with filter 
request 2 done
rlm_ldap: performing search in uid=radprofileascend, ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com, 
with filter (objectclass=radiusprofile)
ber_dump: buf=0x080cc9a0 ptr=0x080cc9a4 end=0x080ccccc len=808
  0000:  02 01 03 63 82 03 21 04  35 75 69 64 3d 72 61 64   ...c..!.5uid=rad  
  0010:  70 72 6f 66 69 6c 65 61  73 63 65 6e 64 2c 20 6f   profileascend, o  
  0020:  75 3d 72 61 64 69 75 73  2c 20 64 63 3d 69 6e 74   u=radius, dc=int  
  0030:  65 67 72 69 74 79 2c 20  64 63 3d 63 6f 6d 0a 01   egrity, dc=com..  
  0040:  00 0a 01 00 02 01 00 02  01 06 01 01 00 a3 1c 04   ................  
  0050:  0b 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 63  6c 61 73 73 04 0d 72 61   .objectclass..ra  
  0060:  64 69 75 73 70 72 6f 66  69 6c 65 30 82 02 b9 04   diusprofile0....  
  0070:  16 72 61 64 69 75 73 43  61 6c 6c 69 6e 67 53 74   .radiusCallingSt  
  0080:  61 74 69 6f 6e 49 64 04  15 72 61 64 69 75 73 43   ationId..radiusC  
  0090:  61 6c 6c 65 64 53 74 61  74 69 6f 6e 49 64 04 10   alledStationId..  
  00a0:  73 69 6d 75 6c 74 61 6e  65 6f 75 73 2d 75 73 65   simultaneous-use  
  00b0:  04 0e 72 61 64 69 75 73  41 75 74 68 54 79 70 65   ..radiusAuthType  
  00c0:  04 0f 72 61 64 69 75 73  43 68 65 63 6b 49 74 65   ..radiusCheckIte  
  00d0:  6d 04 12 72 61 64 69 75  73 4c 6f 67 69 6e 4c 41   m..radiusLoginLA  
  00e0:  54 50 6f 72 74 04 0a 70  6f 72 74 2d 6c 69 6d 69   TPort..port-limi  
  00f0:  74 04 19 72 61 64 69 75  73 46 72 61 6d 65 64 41   t..radiusFramedA  
  0100:  70 70 6c 65 54 61 6c 6b  5a 6f 6e 65 04 1c 72 61   ppleTalkZone..ra  
  0110:  64 69 75 73 46 72 61 6d  65 64 41 70 70 6c 65 54   diusFramedAppleT  
  0120:  61 6c 6b 4e 65 74 77 6f  72 6b 04 19 72 61 64 69   alkNetwork..radi  
  0130:  75 73 46 72 61 6d 65 64  41 70 70 6c 65 54 61 6c   usFramedAppleTal  
  0140:  6b 4c 69 6e 6b 04 13 72  61 64 69 75 73 4c 6f 67   kLink..radiusLog  
  0150:  69 6e 4c 41 54 47 72 6f  75 70 04 12 72 61 64 69   inLATGroup..radi  
  0160:  75 73 4c 6f 67 69 6e 4c  41 54 4e 6f 64 65 04 15   usLoginLATNode..  
  0170:  72 61 64 69 75 73 4c 6f  67 69 6e 4c 41 54 53 65   radiusLoginLATSe  
  0180:  72 76 69 63 65 04 17 72  61 64 69 75 73 54 65 72   rvice..radiusTer  
  0190:  6d 69 6e 61 74 69 6f 6e  41 63 74 69 6f 6e 04 0c   minationAction..  
  01a0:  69 64 6c 65 2d 74 69 6d  65 6f 75 74 04 0f 73 65   idle-timeout..se  
  01b0:  73 73 69 6f 6e 2d 74 69  6d 65 6f 75 74 04 0b 72   ssion-timeout..r  
  01c0:  61 64 69 75 73 43 6c 61  73 73 04 16 72 61 64 69   adiusClass..radi  
  01d0:  75 73 46 72 61 6d 65 64  49 50 58 4e 65 74 77 6f   usFramedIPXNetwo  
  01e0:  72 6b 04 10 72 61 64 69  75 73 43 61 6c 6c 62 61   rk..radiusCallba  
  01f0:  63 6b 49 64 04 14 72 61  64 69 75 73 43 61 6c 6c   ckId..radiusCall  
  0200:  62 61 63 6b 4e 75 6d 62  65 72 04 12 72 61 64 69   backNumber..radi  
  0210:  75 73 4c 6f 67 69 6e 54  43 50 50 6f 72 74 04 12   usLoginTCPPort..  
  0220:  72 61 64 69 75 73 4c 6f  67 69 6e 53 65 72 76 69   radiusLoginServi  
  0230:  63 65 04 11 72 61 64 69  75 73 4c 6f 67 69 6e 49   ce..radiusLoginI  
  0240:  50 48 6f 73 74 04 17 72  61 64 69 75 73 46 72 61   PHost..radiusFra  
  0250:  6d 65 64 43 6f 6d 70 72  65 73 73 69 6f 6e 04 0f   medCompression..  
  0260:  72 61 64 69 75 73 46 72  61 6d 65 64 4d 54 55 04   radiusFramedMTU.  
  0270:  0e 72 61 64 69 75 73 46  69 6c 74 65 72 49 64 04   .radiusFilterId.  
  0280:  13 72 61 64 69 75 73 46  72 61 6d 65 64 52 6f 75   .radiusFramedRou  
  0290:  74 69 6e 67 04 0c 66 72  61 6d 65 64 2d 72 6f 75   ting..framed-rou  
  02a0:  74 65 04 11 66 72 61 6d  65 64 2d 69 70 2d 6e 65   te..framed-ip-ne  
  02b0:  74 6d 61 73 6b 04 11 66  72 61 6d 65 64 2d 69 70   tmask..framed-ip  
  02c0:  2d 61 64 64 72 65 73 73  04 0f 66 72 61 6d 65 64   -address..framed  
  02d0:  2d 70 72 6f 74 6f 63 6f  6c 04 0c 73 65 72 76 69   -protocol..servi  
  02e0:  63 65 2d 74 79 70 65 04  0c 63 69 73 63 6f 2d 61   ce-type..cisco-a  
  02f0:  76 70 61 69 72 04 12 61  73 63 65 6e 64 2d 64 61   vpair..ascend-da  
  0300:  74 61 2d 66 69 6c 74 65  72 04 0f 72 61 64 69 75   ta-filter..radiu  
  0310:  73 52 65 70 6c 79 49 74  65 6d 04 0c 75 73 65 72   sReplyItem..user  
  0320:  70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64                            password          
request 3 done
rlm_ldap: object not found or got ambiguous search result
rlm_ldap: default_profile/user-profile search failed
rlm_ldap: Added password redblue in check items
rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
rlm_ldap: user [EMAIL PROTECTED] authorized to use remote access
ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "VISP1" returns ok
modcall: group redundant returns ok
rlm_chap: Could not find proper Chap-Password attribute in request
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop
modcall: group authorize returns ok
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type LDAP
auth: type "Ldap"
modcall: entering group authtype
modcall: entering group redundant
rlm_ldap: - authenticate
rlm_ldap: login attempt by "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with password "HEHEHEHE"
rlm_ldap: user DN: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com
rlm_ldap: (re)connect to ldap1.mydomain.com:389, authentication 1
rlm_ldap: bind as [EMAIL PROTECTED], ou=radius, dc=mydomain, dc=com/HEHEHEHE
rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
request 1 done
rlm_ldap: user [EMAIL PROTECTED] authenticated succesfully
  modcall[authenticate]: module "VISP1" returns ok
modcall: group redundant returns ok
modcall: group authtype returns ok
Login OK: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]/redblue] (from nas JST port 0)
Sending Access-Accept of id 138 to
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
Finished request 1
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 4 seconds...

Reply via email to