> I want to get usage of BytesInOctets and ByteOutOctets of a session ID or a
> username from Lucent MAX 3000 ( TAOS ) with snmp . so any idea that what is
> the snmpget command should be ?!
> I read in this list that we can kill a session with this command remotly :
> snmpset NAS_Ip_Address write . i 1
> so How can I get information about KB upload and download with snmp ?!

I think it is possible next way.
MAX can send update packets to the RADIUS(see Ethernet>Mod
Config>Accounting...>Acct Checkpoint for MAX 6000). They contain
information about traffic and will be wrotten to detail file or sql table.
Then read it and kill who you want.
I didn't do this really, but think it will go. Anyway post here your
results, please.

Aleksandr Kuzminsky,            AK476-RIPE
System Administrator,           AK16-UANIC

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