I'm new to Free-Radius, I'll try to be as descriptive as possible. I have taken the advice of this board and read all documentation possible before asking this. I've searched on countless search engines for possible answers, and the only results I seem to come up with are pre Free Radius 0.5 answers.


The current setup that we are running, is a Cisco 3030 Concentrator, which has dual-level authentication. First you have to authenticate with your group, and then you do individual level authentication. I set up my group table with a group name of TestRad and then setup a user TestUser which is affiliated to that group.


The big question is what do I put for an Auth-Type. On the net I have seen a lot of examples such as Auth-Type := Local however this is for Local authentication with the files such as clients, clients.conf, and users correct? I set the Auth-Type := sql and it is still doing the same thing. I tried setingt the Authentication section of radiusd.conf to use the sql module, however, that was disabled in 0.5


I have the rlm_sql_mysql module loaded correctly, it seems that it attempts to access my SQL database, but then returns an error message saying:


Modcall: entering group authorize

Radius_xlat: 'TestRad'

Sql_escape in: 'TestRad'

Sql_escape out: 'TestRad'

Sql_set_user: escaped user à 'TestRad'

Radius_xlat: ''

Rlm_sql Reserving sql socket id: 4

MYSQL Error: Cannot get result

MYSQL Error: Query was empty

Rlm_sql_getvpndata: database query error

Rlm_sql: Released sql socket id: 4

            Modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns noop

Modcall: group authorize returns noop

Auth: No Auth-Type configuration for the request, rejecting the user

Auth: Failed to validate the user.

Login incorrect: [TestRad]


I apologize for seeming like an idiot or any confusion I may be causing but I am totally out of ideas, I appreciate your time.




Chris DeRamus
HQ VPN Administrator


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