
I'm using freerdp 2.2.0 via Guacamole 1.3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
In my use case, first there is a TLS security connection to the server,
which then redirects to the final connection , which is using NLA.

If I move the mouse during the redirection (or do any other input), then
NLA connection fails because the server receives INPUT PDUs during the
connection phase and aborts due to protocol violation. If I don't make
inputs, then everything is fine.

Weirdly xfreerdp, remmina work ok, I just cannot figure out what they do
differently to I guess inhibit sending input events while the new
connection is made.

Any tips? Is there some callback about this (I don't see PreConnect
callback)? I just started to go through the libfreerdp, xfreerdp and
guacamole code to figure out a solution.

thanks & regards, krajo

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