
Wow, great work!

I´ve had a glance at the code and it looks promising.

Drop by in our IRC/matrix room any time if you have suggestions for improvement

(we´re trying to 'fix' the FreeRDP 2 API so that it will be easier to use for FreeRDP 3)

More feedback most likely after the holidays though.



On 22.12.21 11:15, Marc-André Lureau via FreeRDP-devel wrote:

I am happy to share with you the progress I have made to bind freerdp and
build gtk4 widgets for various remote desktop protocols, using Rust.

The freerdp binding is hosted at https://github.com/elmarco/freerdp-rs, and
is probably far from complete, but seems enough to implement a simple

The RDW widget project is hosted at https://gitlab.gnome.org/malureau/rdw.
It offers basic VNC, SPICE & RDP support (and also the new QEMU "-display
dbus" elsewhere), using respectively gvnc, spice-client-glib and freerdp2.

Over time, the open-source community has built several implementations of
remote desktop widgets with gtk2 and then gtk3. As you may have realized,
porting now to gtk4 is a challenge. And since there is no established
common widget for freerdp (I count GNOME Connections, vinagre and Remmina
implementations, and other experiments), lot of duplicated effort all over
the place.

The RDW project aims to provide a common base widget for all protocols, and
various per-protocol widgets. Ideally, input handling, grabbing, pointer,
zooming/scaling, audio, redirection, clipboard sharing etc etc is done with
as much consistency and code sharing as we can fit.

Your help and comments are greatly appreciated
wish you happy holidays!

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