Hi Marc-André!
This is AWESOME!
Awesome the project itself, and the fact that you share this with us.
I have tons of comments, but they will follow slowly in the next days,
for now I leave your message quoted here, as a reminder for myself
(sorry for the netiquette violation)
Joyeux fêtes  !
On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 14:15 +0400, Marc-André Lureau wrote:
> Hi!
> I am happy to share with you the progress I have made to bind freerdp
> and build gtk4 widgets for various remote desktop protocols, using
> Rust.
> The freerdp binding is hosted at 
> https://github.com/elmarco/freerdp-rs, and is probably far from
> complete, but seems enough to implement a simple client.
> The RDW widget project is hosted at 
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/malureau/rdw. It offers basic VNC, SPICE &
> RDP support (and also the new QEMU "-display dbus" elsewhere), using
> respectively gvnc, spice-client-glib and freerdp2.
> Over time, the open-source community has built several
> implementations of remote desktop widgets with gtk2 and then gtk3. As
> you may have realized, porting now to gtk4 is a challenge. And since
> there is no established common widget for freerdp (I count GNOME
> Connections, vinagre and Remmina implementations, and other
> experiments), lot of duplicated effort all over the place.
> The RDW project aims to provide a common base widget for all
> protocols, and various per-protocol widgets. Ideally, input handling,
> grabbing, pointer, zooming/scaling, audio, redirection, clipboard
> sharing etc etc is done with as much consistency and code sharing as
> we can fit.
> Your help and comments are greatly appreciated
> wish you happy holidays!
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